
Showing posts from September, 2017

My (Brief) Life as a Marine Conservationist

Final group photo before leaving the island Let's just start with stating that this is a long due post, and it is long. In Malaysian public universities, you'll have to undergo Industrial Training (a.k.a. internship) at some point in your studies in order to graduate. The good thing is that we get to apply for any company or organization we like, and it feels somewhat like a job hunt. As I have always wanted to do something, anything for the environment, I decided to spend my 2 months-long industrial training at Tropical Research and Conservation Centre (TRACC) right here in Sabah! Honestly speaking, I have not even heard of this organization before, nor the island that it is situated on. Thank you Google. A little bit about TRACC, it was established about 6 years ago by the late Steve Oakley to mainly work on coral restoration in the bombed reef of Pom-Pom Island off the coast of Semporna. Staffed by enthusiastic people, many of the work done at TRACC are only pos...


华丽的外表,需要一颗更强大的内心。 健全的灵魂,与健全的精神和肉体共存。 偶像 是一个什么样的东西? 我承认自己的追星经验值为0,但是我还是有自己比较喜欢的明星的,虽然都是唱歌的 xD 看着偶像,看着艺人们在舞台上,在镜头前展示着那近乎完美的自我,不由然地会羡慕起他们来,甚至会把他们当作榜样。 而镜头的背后,我们的偶像们也许不过是个平凡的人类。 他们也会苦也会累,也有自己不满意的不足。 然而他们并没有放弃自己,而是不断地努力去充实自己,让自己变得越来越好。 而在这样的过程中,给予粉丝的,是远超于福利的福利 - 那满满的正能量。 粉丝需要明星,而我们需要的是朋友。 我想每个人都需要甚至渴望找到那一位,或是那一群能接受自己的朋友。 也许并不是无条件地接受,毕竟朋友之间偶尔来点小摩擦有助于增进彼此之间的感情的(科科)。 而是大家都有各自的不完美,而我们不完美和不完美之间的相处,擦出那完美的友情火花,是这世界上最美丽的东西。 偶像是月亮,而围绕着偶像转的就是像星星一样的粉丝。 我们是我们世界里的月亮,而朋友们,像星星。 月亮看起来好大好圆,可是它的明亮不过是借着太阳的光而投射到人们眼里。 星星虽然看起来渺小,但一个个都是独自的发光体,在夜里静静地守护着月亮。 大道理应该没有人不懂,可是我们往往需要一个人去点破,去引领我们,告诉我们自己本来就知道的方法,并加以实践。 夜很深,星星很可能被黑夜吞没。 可是月亮努力地反射阳光,似乎想借用阳光,用月光引领星星,好让它们继续燃烧,继续做自己夜空中最亮的星。 谁是你生命中的月亮,而谁又是你生命中的星星呢?