Mutual understanding and acceptance, in my opinion, is the second most important element in a family (the first one's love xD) Before we can talk about being one BIG family, we must first understand each other. Our needs, feelings, likes, dislikes, dream, goal, principle, emotions, conditions and more importantly - our base line. The base line, or last straw, if you will, is the line that we should never, ever cross, let alone step on. But one thing's for sure, we should always push our base line, further and further away, to be open to others, see the good in others, by not being blinded by selfish thoughts. =) In order to understand, a voicing out is needed. After all, not everybody knows what you're thinking or how you're feeling deep down inside. If you don't say it, nobody will know it.. Nobody nobody but you.. xD Other members should also be understanding. Nothing good can come out of a one-way request. If one member asks another one to change change c...