
Showing posts from March, 2011


在广大的世界里 生活里 难免会有摩擦 种种的不满 该往哪里塞呢 写在洁白的纸上 打在琴键上 沉溺于音符当中 掩饰于欢笑中 还是让它随风而去(xD) 偶尔那些微不足道的宣泄 会降于别人身上吧 这种经历 我们都尝试过 无论怎样 那些都是你的“感情收留所” 独一无二的“感情收留所” 当一个人的感情收留所 是件幸福的事 他将他的感情托付于你 是因为他信任你 他相信你 他需要你 他知道 你是唯一 能接纳他的感情的人 当感情收留所的人 要好好珍惜 这机会 或许在下一秒 就烟消云散了

It's not the job I'm doing, it's the life I'm living

其实这个写好了很久,就是不知道为什么没po罢了。。xD Honestly speaking, I suddenly had this 'revelation' while fantasizing about my future life. It's my new found motivation and I decide to share it with you. A lot of us will feel down during this whole long and enduring journey of our lives, it's normal actually to give in to it. But we should be coffee beans of all else (and that's another story). Most probably you will feel that there's no point in life, living out all the routines, going this far just because some sort of responsibility towards someone or something, but once again, it's normal. I, for one, would like to think of it as a life that I am living. My life is not a responsibility, but it is a chronicle of my own. Every chapter, every paragraph, every sentence, every single word, every syllable is unique. I myself wrote them, is writing and will write them in my future days. Put your whole life in front of you, envision it, picture it as the life you would lik...