
Showing posts from December, 2014

A Little Bit About My College

And when I say college I do not mean my university. For some reasons unbeknownst to the common folk, the students' hostels here are called residential colleges, hence, my college. My college is one of the first to be built in my university, presumably the second. With some imaginative power, you can picture the conditions of the building, the design layout and also the state of the furniture. Well, they aren't ALL bad, they are pretty much in working shape, just kinda old-school-ish, is all. But did I mention that we have the largest dorm rooms among all other colleges? (Well, us and the one that was built before ours) I took it for granted at first, but after knowing other people from other colleges with small rooms, I realised that it is a real blessing to have been assigned to this college. They could barely fit two standing persons in their rooms while we could breakdance (if I knew how) in ours. Also, we have the best wifi speeds in campus, and each room is also supp...


到了大学这么久,其实已数不清多少个人换了科系、转了校。。 就比如迎新周时我们宿舍村的村长也是因为拿到其他的offer而转校了。 这也是我来到了大学这么久第一个饯别篇。那就是我们的天气同学啦~ 会认识她也是因为我们都参与了新调子音乐工作坊(以下略为新调子),也纷纷成为新调子的执行委员。也说不上认识,印象中好像也没有说上几句话,不过就是有为了音乐营共同努力了一段时间。 天气同学被派到的科系是法医学。但是,想必她真心想修读的不是这一科,她明年确定转去IMU修读牙科系。对她,我没什么想说,毕竟真的不熟嘛,不过还是真心祝福她梦想成真,爱上自己的科系,继续做自己喜欢做的事情!还有还有,天气同学跳舞也不错哦,而且而且,样子也长得有点像我直属学姐哦(也是跳舞的)~ 照片就迟点啦