
みんなさん、こんばんは もしかして、まだ起きてるのか? いや、多分寝ましたね 違う? じゃあ、逆に何をしているの? 僕はさあ、昨年 友達と日本へ行った ヾ(≧▽≦*)o 12日間泊まりました! 写真いっぱい撮ったぞーー なので 今は撮った写真を整理するつもりですが こんな数見たら 「もう無理や」 と思っちゃいましたね (´。_。`) でも 皆に見せてほしいなぁ~ 決めた! 僕 頑張ります! 早めに皆が見えるように でも今晩もういいかな でわね おやすみ ********************************************************************************************** Going Through Photos For those of you who didn't know, I went to Japan with my friends last year. We stayed there for about 12 days. Naturally, being the narcissistic, photogenic people memory-cherishing we are, we took lots of photos, and I mean lots . Just look at the photo above. That's the number after I did some rough filtering, like deleting obviously blurry photos and the other unnecessary files. These are only the photos I've taken out of my friend's phone. I haven't even started sorting the photos in my phone yet. Even my computer is having a hard time sorting the photos by date. I...