
Showing posts from April, 2010


Humans, in nature are blind... We can see the wonders of the world... The wonders of our own mightiness... The ugliness of the weaknesses in others... However, we cannot see what lies behind all these so called wonders and treasures and luxuries... We always look at the things presented before our eyes... The worst is, the human mind chooses what it wants to see... We can see the wonders presented in front of our eyes, but we cannot see the awful things that might have took place to keep this fantasy running... We always see what's bad in others, but we do not even try to see the goodness in others... We also do not see our own weaknesses... Maybe we can list out 1 or 2, but we won't admit all of our faults... Try listing down the faults of others... Everyone's a successful author... Truth is, we should look at all things at different perspectives and also start by looking at ourselves...

Ready, Set, Go!!!

We often forget what we came here for... We started out with warm and excited hearts, feeling that we are ready for anything... During our journey, we encounter many new comrades, new things and new challenges... Illusions abound, drawing us farther and farther away from our origins... The only thing to do is to hold on... Hold on tight... Temptations persist on the other side, prodding us to walk over... Pulling like the force of gravity... The nearer you are to your goal, the stronger it becomes... Many have fallen into the trap... Some even fall into it willingly... Some don't even know that they fallen into it... Some walked over and changed... Indulging in the 'pleasures' it offers... Betraying comrades, betraying their own beliefs... Why should we become like this? Let us all get back to our starting point, Ready, Set, Go!!!~


We can do anything... As long as we dare to dream so... Many monuments and inventions in history originated from the dreams of people, dreams of one nation... Do we dare to do the same? Are we bonded by this materialistic world, that our fantasies cannot be lived out in our lives? A courageous step into the unknown, let us take it together... Supporting each other with strong shoulders... Dare to live, dare to dream...


每当遇上挫折 就会想要放弃当初的梦想 梦想在心目中 是那么的美好 那么的完美无暇 在现实的世界里 可完全不然 当初的我们 被命运的绳子帮在一起 注定我们的相遇 在一起 做了好多事 一起踏入一个 充满未知的世界 一起努力 经过了风风雨雨 同甘又共苦 然而 我们学会了 自己作选择 或许是命运吧 该出现的 不出现 没那么需要出现的人 大多都出现了 我只要他们明白 有些人为了聚在一起 做了不少牺牲 付出了不小的代价 为的是什么 这些人都有感情的 也会像他们一样 会不爽 会烦恼 难道 他们要这些人 每一次 都傻傻的 等待着他们的出现 选择的能力 就握在他们的手中 就让他们 想一想吧


I'm sure that most people are familiar to this word. Some time ago you can hear this word almost everyday on tv. Even by now you can still hear it. Most of us, when it comes to this word "change",we would instinctively think that it will bring achievements, advancements and even improvements... But is it true? Many examples in our lives proved this thinking wrong. "Change" would not always bring forth positive things. Instead, we should keep in mind that there are also bad changes that can lead to downfalls, destruction and elimination... Therefore, it is safe for us to think that not all things necessarily need "change". Sometimes, we need to choose what to change and what we should not change. Not all that is suitable for others are suitable for ourselves... "Change"... We would always think that others need to change and we, ourselves are perfect, completely faultless and unquestionable. Have it ever occur to our minds that it is not neces...


最近大家都比较烦。 有些是为了各自的私人事情而烦 而有些是为了同样的事情而烦 也有的因为不知道应不应该坚持自己的理念而烦 但是 在每一天的结束 大家口中 时常都会 冒处同样的一句话... 与朋友在网上聊天 “哈哈”两个字 很时常能看见 它的用意 是不知道如何回复对方的言论 敷衍对方用的 以至气氛没那么尴尬 但有时候 我们心中所有的烦恼 所有的不爽 所有的担忧 劳累、辛苦 都会用 “哈哈”将它掩盖 以笑脸面对一切的问题 一切的麻烦 从来都不让身边的人 因我们的烦恼 而受到牵连 哈哈。。。 隐瞒一切的笑容


不知道从什么时候开始 我们开始有了自己的想法 会用嘴巴表达自己的意见 可是 现实的世界并不一定认同我们的看法 并以“权利”及“辈分”来将我们压着 我们原来的热情 本是燃烧着的太阳 但却被现世一桶一桶的冷水给‘浇’灭了 渐渐地 我们变得哑巴了 因为我们心里很清楚 即使说了也没有人听 说了也没有用 那么为何还要说呢? 说了还可能招来不必要的麻烦 那么做简直是自讨苦吃 所以才选择了 沉默 什么都不要说 那样就不会受到任何的打击 不会有任何的失望 因为我们不曾要求过 那么我们看起来就很快乐 很满足 虽然心里一直处于 正好相反的世界 而 外界一直蠢蠢地叫我们开口 说话 表达意见 说出我们的想法 那么他们应该先想想 是谁让我们变得哑巴 失去了说话的基本功能


After two days and seven matches of chess, I'm thoroughly exhausted... I didn't quite do well in the competition. My result isn't quite satisfying... On the first day, I got 1 draw, 2 loses and 1 win... At least I got a victory before I returned... On the second day, I got 1 win, 1 lose and 1 draw at the last match. All in all, I got only 3 points. That's only a very minor competition to the team's condition. Seeing that all my other teammates did well... (Some very and some quite) The point is, I got a new experience from this competition and I also learned a lot of things... Including techniques, skills and attitudes and also the way that a competition is carried out... All of us were quite tired after the series of chess matches... All the strategising really pulled all the senses out of us... But it is really worth it... I'm really glad that all this is finally over. I would only like to say - ~whew~ Thank God~

What to do..... What to do....

Sometimes I just don't know what to do... I know that there are times that I know I need to be active, to speak up on my own accord... But it might not always be the case... Maybe I should just let it roll by... But what if I miss it? Maybe again? Or there's some lesson to be learned here? Maybe there's not? Life's full of uncertainty... What we can do is to press on... To fall down and get back up, never giving up... To make our own decisions... Whilst retaining our belief...


Sometimes I like to take a lonely stroll, enjoying the wind patting my face... No one else, but the wind and I... Indulging in each others' embrace... As though the wind could take me somewhere else, a new world, a world that is not controlled by the 'laws' inherited from the generations before us... A world that would be free... My mind would usually relax in these circumstances... It's the time that I'm free to think, to think about something other than formula and facts... deadlines and the future... scrutinising the irony that's all around me, irony that fills the whole wide world... about the mistakes in the theories that I've heard... And forgetting all about them after this short, short moment... But I cherish these kind of moments, these are the moments when I can be free... Free in my own world... Not caring about the world today, yesterday and tomorrow... Not even thinking about the 'presets' in this imperfect world... Just to be free... To...