
Showing posts from June, 2014

In My Distress I Called to The LORD, and He Answered Me

Since last week I have been suffering from a pimple in my ear canal. Yes, a pimple anywhere else would have been very painful, but it growing on your ear canal is just plain agonising . Every time I opened my mouth, smiled or touched my right ear, a jolt of pain would run through my head. The pimple grew steadily day by day and I had to start taking painkillers to ease the pain and combat the ensuing dizziness. Before I knew it, the size of the pimple was so big that it closed up my ear canal. But that still did not stop me from going to the movies to watch Maleficent and How to Train Your Dragon 2. Both were great movies by the way, especially HTTYD2. On that fateful movie night, the pimple decided to unleash its fury (and contents) into my ear. Yes I was relieved at first but somehow the opening was on the inside , so it was quite difficult to force any more goo than it would let out. I was able to sleep more peacefully that night with the reduced tension on my entire righ...


糟了糟了 还是会想念你们 就连梦也梦见我们一起度过的日子 那些本该泛黄的照片 看了多少遍都不会厌 每每回忆的时候 那暖滋滋的感觉 还是会涌上心头 纵然回不到过去 纵然即将远走高飞 我不会忘了你们 我永远都不会忘了你们 不管距离有多遥远 我相信 我们心里一定会牵挂着彼此 因为 友情认真起来 会比爱情还要刻骨铭心 弄不清 那究竟是场什么样的梦 美丽的 让人沒有想醒來的冲动 故事怎么诉说 回忆又怎么歌颂 啦啦啦青春少年時多天真懵懂 长大后才知道自己多怀念 小时候

The Interview

So I know that I went around telling everybody I know, well, at least those who asked that I wasn't called for any interview of any university, but in truth I was called, literally and to save myself the trouble of explaining to each and every one of you, I'll do it in a blog post instead! Well, that's if you even read my blog, or know that I had a blog in the first place. In my mind, only highly professional courses such as Medicine, Law, Dentistry and sometimes even Pharmacy require prospective students to come for an interview conducted by the university panel. Since I did not apply for Medicine in UM (yes, UM called me), I did not even bother to click on the link. On that fateful Saturday, I decided to click on UM's link, just for fun since I had nothing else to do, and I was surprised that something actually came out! Turns out that I was called for an interview for the Bachelor of Science program (seriously, who knew you had to attend an interview f...