In My Distress I Called to The LORD, and He Answered Me

Since last week I have been suffering from a pimple in my ear canal.

Yes, a pimple anywhere else would have been very painful, but it growing on your ear canal is just plain agonising. Every time I opened my mouth, smiled or touched my right ear, a jolt of pain would run through my head.

The pimple grew steadily day by day and I had to start taking painkillers to ease the pain and combat the ensuing dizziness. Before I knew it, the size of the pimple was so big that it closed up my ear canal. But that still did not stop me from going to the movies to watch Maleficent and How to Train Your Dragon 2. Both were great movies by the way, especially HTTYD2.

On that fateful movie night, the pimple decided to unleash its fury (and contents) into my ear. Yes I was relieved at first but somehow the opening was on the inside, so it was quite difficult to force any more goo than it would let out. I was able to sleep more peacefully that night with the reduced tension on my entire right ear and expected everything to get better from that day on.

The next day I woke up dizzy. I tried to brave through the whole day but the day proved too much for me. Eventually I had to see the doctor. The experience with the nurses, male and female alike was just terrible. I might not be doing all nurses justice by saying this but that was my personal experience with most, if not all nurses I met. You just want to slap them for their laid-back way of doing things. No, slapping will not suffice, they made me want to beat the crap out of them.

ANYWAY, after getting medication the pimple started to heal and now I can easily hear with my right ear again, though it will be some time before I dare put headphones on. I am scheduled for a review next month at the hospital but I am not sure if I want to have the whole awful experience with hospital staff once more. Really, crappy-attitude hospital staff is THE reason I dislike going to the hospital. No wonder people treat themselves nowadays.

Did I mention that I have been praying a LOT during that whole week? I practically cried out (in my head of course) to God and pleaded for the grace of healing. I asked Jesus to touch me with His healing hands and I asked the Holy Spirit for strength. I asked Mother Mary to pray for me, and eventually when I could not take the pain any more, I asked all the angels and saints of heaven to pray for me. And you know what? It WORKED!! I could finally feel alive again!

When I went to church that following Sunday I joined the rosary prayer with the community before evening mass. I was just so full of thanksgiving that my emotions found their own way into the prayers. The Apostles' Creed became a love letter recited to the Church and its beliefs. Every Our Father is a child talking lovingly to his Heavenly Father while being taken in His arms. Every Hail Mary became a rose handed to my dear Mother and the words are those befitting of a loved one. Every Glory Be is an outburst of love and admiration to the Most Holy Trinity, without whom nothing would be able to live. The concluding prayers are somehow self-explanatory.

That was the very first time that I felt such strong emotions going through me while praying the rosary. While I had all the other intentions in my mind, they sort of faded into the background while the spotlight was on the jubilation of my ear's recovery and the overwhelming urge to praise and thank the Lord and Mother Mary. Praying for the intentions, I knew in my heart that God will grant each and every one of them in due time, in His time. I guess that was why I felt a deep sense of joy in my heart while praying. The fact that we were meditating on the five Glorious Mysteries did not hurt too.

I am very thankful to have this experience. Though I would not wish the agony on anyone else but it was a wonderful way to experience the Lord's help, His mercy and His compassion. I will sing to the Lord for He is good! :)

In my distress I called upon the LORD, 
And cried to my God for help; 
He heard my voice out of His temple, 
And my cry for help before Him came into His ears. 


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