The Interview

So I know that I went around telling everybody I know, well, at least those who asked that I wasn't called for any interview of any university, but in truth I was called, literally and to save myself the trouble of explaining to each and every one of you, I'll do it in a blog post instead! Well, that's if you even read my blog, or know that I had a blog in the first place.

In my mind, only highly professional courses such as Medicine, Law, Dentistry and sometimes even Pharmacy require prospective students to come for an interview conducted by the university panel. Since I did not apply for Medicine in UM (yes, UM called me), I did not even bother to click on the link.

On that fateful Saturday, I decided to click on UM's link, just for fun since I had nothing else to do, and I was surprised that something actually came out! Turns out that I was called for an interview for the Bachelor of Science program (seriously, who knew you had to attend an interview for a BsC program!?) that very morning! So there I was sitting at my desk in the office feeling, well, lost. I did not know what I should feel.

Eventually I decided to just let it go since I was really hoping to get a place in UMS which is much closer to home, plus it's much closer to the sea! Just when I reached that decision of mine my phone rang and the lady introduced herself as a UM staff! Well, you pretty much know the story by now, I said I did not know that I was called and I arranged to postpone my interview to be on the next day.

And I waited, and waited, and waited. Yes, they took sooooo long! And the best part is when the interviewers came out of the hotel room to take a tea break! Well, after much patience (and frustration) it was finally my turn! After a half-swallowed "Selamat petang", I sat down and basically wanted to get it over with, with a smile, of course.

Then one of the panel members started to speak in English. Yes! Home turf! Bring it on, interview! Talk about a blessing from on high. It was smooth sailing from there, though the professor of the Biodiversity school (yes, he was a panel member) said he was both happy and sad. Happy, because I was the first student to be coming from a STPM background, no wonder the other kids looked young! Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against matriculation students, I am only against the system. But he was sad because I put UM as my third choice. SO now I have to wait for the rejection from my first and second choices before they can offer me a place. Oh well, Your will be done, Lord.

The professor was especially kind. He told me that getting a first degree is only like getting basic training for life. Getting a job is only a matter of character, well, and other stuff but let's focus on the bright side. You know, whatever you do, there will always be those who will say that it is good and there will also be those who will say that it is bad. My advice, just follow your heart! If you are truly humble, and truly believe that you can excel in whatever it is that you are trying to do, then you will find your treasure and realise your Personal Legend!

Don't stop believing!!


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