Basic Simplicity

In this complex and sophisticated world, we often forget our basic simplicities.

When we were small kids, we often play games with our childhood friends. We were happy that time, sad things might happen but still we remain happy at the end of the day.

What did we play with? Merely playing the game just for the fun of it, to enjoy it with our friends, simply playing...

What about now? Players play with technique, good and bad.
They play for their goal, but using "different" methods.
Dirty tricks to trap our opponents, manipulating rules to achieve the objectives, subjecting to inhumane means...

All of this we do not even know of while we were small.
While everything was happy, everything was basically simple...

Many of us seek simplicity in our lives, but cannot find it. This is because we've thrown it away unknowingly, seeing it as a part of "growing up".

Change, but keep your true self....
Grow, but never forget our basic simplicity...


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