
Showing posts from May, 2012

Persons Are Gifts Camp

I have just spent four days of my precious life in a camp organised by St. Simon Youth Ministry - the Youth Ministry of my church. Guess what? It was AWESOME! Before this, I have always thought it to be just another youth camp, full of life and energy, and the most that I'll enjoy out of it were the brief Praise and Worship sessions. To add to that, I was actually over-age as the camp were for youths aged 12-17. Yet, thanks to the encouragement from some of the core team members, I just came along. Before I joined this camp, all I wanted from it was just to have fun. Plain, simple fun. I wasn't exactly enthusiastic about it, but I wasn't against it either. I was happy with my life the way it is. Sometimes hurt, happy times, growing up and all. But then I after I went through all the sessions, I felt "Wow! There's so much I'm missing out on, and I don't wanna miss out!" Fruitful? Indeed it was a fruitful camp. There's an amazing organising co...

Life In A "High" School

After my 7 days' stay in a "High" School, this is what I can say about it.. First of all, it is BIG.. It's a good workout for your feet to go from one place to another.. Some people tend to think "High"-ly of themselves.. Note the word SOME, I'm not making any generalisation, just stating out a few others.. I can't say that they haven't the reason to think so, but then, come on dudes and dudettes, the reason why the school is so 'famous' is because of the achievements of the few.. Just because you're studying in that school doesn't make you as good as those creams.. = = The teachers here also think quite highly of their school.. Can't blame them, maybe I can't blame the students there too.. xD  I think they have adequate knowledge, but their abilities I have yet to see.. I didn't get much of the "fun" teachers, but I guess you can't have everything in life.. :) Enough of the gossip, now for the br...


做梦做久了 是时候醒来 以实际的脚步 向未来前进 也许我选择的道路 在世俗的眼中 是不被看好的 是在浪费这宝贵的生命 但我已证明了 就算不进名校 也能考取好成绩 唯一的遗憾 是没能证明得彻底一点 我的命运 经常都由你们主宰 我 不曾怕过 也不多为自己担忧 反而你们 可否对我多一点信任 给我多一份自由 你们对这领域不熟 那就让我知道多一点 好让我早一点做选择 你们知道吗 其实 我一早就决定了 要走这条路 让你们为我选择 搞得我团团转 给我多一点自由吧 让我闯出一片天 朋友们 我选择离开你们 是因为 我要活得独立一点 我要让自己 有机会成长 谢谢你们 这些年来 给我的依靠 这下 我要让自己变成 一个更好的“自己” 幼鹰之所以学会飞翔 是因为离开了 那温暖的巢 这将是我们 第一阶段的 ‘各奔前程’ 虽然距离远了 但我们之间的羁绊 还会深深的 缠 着 我们的灵魂 对吧 朋友们 你们要好好走 我也会好好过 愿我们 在天涯的哪一角 插肩而过时 你们会记得我 我 踩着踏实的脚步 向未来前进 Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect. (Romans 12:2) 爱死这一句