
Showing posts from August, 2012

Fighting Spirit!!!

For the past week I have an unusual consistent feeling of a fighting spirit. It has kept me awake for the whole schooling period (well, most of it), and also made me more proactive in taking steps towards my new surroundings, my very new surroundings. It might have been the post-camp euphoria, or the thrill of the reunion with my BFFs, but one thing is for sure -  I have never felt such a fire burning inside of me for a long, long time. This was just what I needed, and He knew it. Praise be to You, Abba Father! I have only recently acknowledged the importance of having a well-planned schedule in my life. Without it, I'll go completely nuts and try in vain to multi-task every time and end up having a non-productive day. Without a carefully planned strategy, I would've bitten more than I could chew, which consequences I dare not even think about. With meticulously planned activities laid out for me everyday, I find myself very productive, usually ending up finishing at le...

Presentation: Fail

!!????? Sad to say that today's presentation was an epic fail. I earnestly gave my best during the presentation, but it still wasn't enough. For those who didn't witness the fail, let's just say that it was an unlucky blend of miscommunication, lack of teamwork, and REAL effort. In short - it ain't pretty. Negative thoughts aside, I think it was a pretty good experience. I've always had this bliss perception about myself, I'm trying hard to correct that, it's a work in progress. So having this experience made me realise all the little details that I often ignore - eye contact, sustained voice projection, the abilities of my teammates and also in-depth research of the topic (even when I don't have to).. I'm grateful that I had the chance to learn and improve on my presenting skills which I had deemed perfect before. Grateful for new found friends that are willing to point out my weak points right at my face.. in front of the whole class...

BFF 《相见欢》

最近对《BFF》这三个字特别有感觉,就以它来作为这次的标题吧~ BFF们,自从离开你们以后,恐怕要再相见,只能奢望偶然将你们吹向我的方向。要不是有什么事,也绝不会相遇。我真的以为,我的人生,会就此平淡下来,过个普普通通的中六生活… 快乐,只剩那回忆的余味,美丽,只有我们曾在一起欢笑的余晕。也好,平淡也好…… 原本应该是这样发展的 没想到,咔呛!竟杀出一个 ‘2012“中华文化大乐园”沙巴青少年夏令营’ 的东东。也不知该说是被逼好,还是被求着去(xD)但总之,看到那些BFF们也有参加,大脑逻辑思维即刻关掉,想也不想就一头裁进去了。 这就是所谓的青春,可以不顾一切地奔驰,可以火力全开地冲刺。听说是要去‘工作’,要‘帮头帮尾’什么的,我都不管了。最重要的是,我有机会和中学生涯的BFF们一起共度五天四夜的快乐时光,大家得以相聚,我当然选择疯狂地过。我,还年少,‘委屈’、‘吃苦’之类的,不必放在眼里。受不起么?要是让那些‘委屈’破坏了我与BFF们的欢聚时光,蒙蔽我嘹亮的眼睛,岂不是自己吃亏了吗?即失去自己的快乐,又失去让自己成长的机会。唔,好朋友,国宝级的好朋友,我认同你那一句 — 年轻不应该怕吃苦,更不应该怕吃亏,应该珍惜这一起快乐学习的机会的机会。 我坦白地说,我好久好久没这样开怀地笑过了。那应该是封锁于回忆的宝库里的碎片,谁知道,它反叛了,擅自霸占我可爱的脸颊 (xD) 当我们在一起傻笑的时候,我脑海里不停地重播着我们以前的片断。跟你们共处一室,到哪里都一起走,我仿佛回到了中学时光。那种感觉真令人怀念,让人回味。我好想就这样一直待在营里,一起上国学课、朗诵课、毽球课、跳手语、还有感受那温暖的营火。 时光是那么从容,让我细细品味我们在一起的每一分每一秒。笑过、哭过、激动过、也感动过。与你们共度的日子是那么色彩缤纷,那么多姿多彩。谢谢你们让我看见,我的生活依然可以活出精彩。 感恩是这个夏令营的一大主题,所以我要感恩: 感恩那只乌龟,让我有幸和BFF们相聚在一起,再一次过我们精彩的群体生活; 感恩父母,让我参加这个夏令营,这令我大开眼界的夏令营; 感恩主办单位,举办这很好玩夏令营,不对,是超好玩的夏令营; 感恩BFF们,一起当辅导员,又让我的日记增添色彩奔放的一页; 感恩BFF们,牵着我的手,陪我渡过种种风浪,种种欢乐,但是路,还是得自己...


站在舞台中央 或许只有五分钟 又或许只有五秒钟 但那短短的时间 是你的 就是你的 站上了舞台 就不必去理会别人的眼光 只要全力以赴 挥洒自我 对得起自己 就可以了 是的 一定要对得起自己 生命的舞台 只有一生的时间 绝对要对得起 自己