It feels like one of those nights

Okay, I was (trying) to finish my bio presentation but I really couldn't help myself. Some feelings just couldn't be kept bottled up, right? ;) - which is another way of typing *wink

Yes I was doing my bio presentation. But some random blogwalking took me to Miss Lust's blog, and started me thinking, and thinking starts to make me think a lot more and it gets even harder to stop thinking.

There's much less emo-ness in our class compared to when the results of the first semester came out. There really is nothing to feel emo about. You reap what you sow, I firmly believe in that. And so maybe what I got is really what I sowed. Although it felt quite difficult to accept at first, but emo-ing all day is doing nothing to help things.

Talking about Miss Lust, she's starting to pester (xD), even threaten me to sing during Prom Night, to which I haven't the gall to say 'yes', mostly because I'm not much of a singer. She keeps giving me 'the stare' nowadays whenever we cross paths.

Surprisingly enough, laughter is also my mist frequent response to, anything. I don't like feeling angry, which is a sin, and it's not good to feel down either because you're bound to take it off on one of your friends. Hence, laughter is always the best way to respond to things, I think, since it can sometimes cheer up people around you, though sometimes you have to act all crazy and hope they laugh. I know, I suck at consoling, but what can I do? I try.

I don't know what came over me. My results seem to be plummeting down to earth. Maybe it's my new-found personality, maybe it's me trying to run away from something I don't even know, maybe it's me trying to become something I'm not, well, maybe its just me. One thing's for sure, I do not regret doing what I have been doing so far. This life is just too short, every second lived was worth it. This life is just too wonderful to feel bad about something I cannot change, for now.

It's not so much about having no time to feel upset, don't be too hard on yourself. By all means, feel upset. Cry, wail, emo, scream, bash a pillow or something. Let it out. As they say, it's in your DNA, it's okay not to be okay. Once you've let go of the burden that is the Past, only then can you live in the present, and look forward to the future.

Quoting one of Miss Lust's 'favourite quotes ever', in the end everything will be okay, and if it's not okay.. it's not the end. Well said, to whoever wrote/said that, and to Miss Lust, well quoted.

It feels like one of those nights,
we won't be sleeping.
It feels like one of those nights, 
we just want to be with ourselves.
Tonight's the night when we forget about the heartbreaks.
It feels like one of those nights,
we just want to spend time with ourselves,
just me, myself and I.

Let it all out, Let it all out
誰か描いてった 壁の落書の花が 揺れる

自分らしさなんて 誰もわからないよ
長い長い道の途中で 失くしたり拾ったり
急に寂しくなって 泣いちゃう日もあるけど

涙も 痛みも 星に変えよう
明日を照らす 灯りをともそう
小さく迷っても ふたりで作ろう
星屑を 強く光る永遠を探そう

Let it all out, let it all out
You don't have to act so brave
The graffiti flower that someone painted on the wall sways

Nobody knows who their real selves are
Losing and finding things in the middle of this long, long road
There are days where we feel alone and we feel like crying, but...

Change these tears and this pain into stars
Turn on the light that will shine on tomorrow
I may lose my way a little
But together, we'll create stardust and search for an eternity that glows so brightly


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