
There is a first time for everything. This expression has just had a whole new dimension to it in my life.

Remember how we always rehearse everything in our head, about how our reflexes would be when faced by vicious criminals, what we would say when we meet a dying cancer patient and stuff, and how we would be all heroic and perfectly in control over the whole situation. Well, sod that. I would really like to punch that guy who told me to visualise my day and go ahead to live it that way. I would really like to punch him right now.

Thank you, dear friend for your affirmation. You may not know exactly how much it means to me, but I do. I am not at all 'upset', as you would put it, though I do not understand why you would say that though. Yes I have been taken completely by surprise, but you have to know, blue is my favourite colour. The colour of the sky that gives rise to so much beauty, the colour of the sea that washes away what's on the surface, and keep everything inside. I am so glad that we are not the kind of persons who blabber about everything we've felt or heard to just about anyone.

As for my first time, you made it special. Maybe it is because it is between you and me, maybe it is because it happened in the way that it happened, but you definitely made it special, and so you are also special, so don't you go beating yourself up or anything, okay?

I admire your courage. Given the same circumstances, I am not sure that I would have the balls to do it myself, away from friends to give me support, or just the push over the edge that I am desperately in need of. I just hope I did not screw up, or messed anything up. I know the words did not come out in the order they are supposed to, but we get each other. I think I might be the worst handler of things, but I really do hope I did not make things any worse.

Things will never be the same again, they never stay the same. Because what you did, gave us much more between us, something that the other peoples will never ever understand, and will never ever have. So, just in case I may be misleading, you made it better. It was my very first, you were my very first, and you were fearless.

Enough of apologies, I am done saying them anyways. Be strong, be happy, we can always work through this together. Let us continue to enjoy each other's company, and keep messing with other peoples' mind.

You have my word.
You have my trust.

Stay strong
You are not lost
Come on and fix your eyes ahead
Theres a new dawn to light our day


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