New Tune 22 Training Camp

Maybe in the future when I have too much free time and nothing meaningful to do I will read my previous blog posts and cringe at my decision of putting such a boring topic as my first post of the year, but well, here goes.

New Tune is short for New Tune Music Workshop. It's one of the many clubs in my uni. Unfortunately my uni has no official orchestra or brass band for me to join, I took up the next best thing - and didn't end up as a performer. Yup, instead I stayed on as a Stage Deco and Lighting exco. To me it's the most fun out of the other posts, well maybe not Publicity but it seemed a good place to let me express my creativity (or lack of it).

I remember dreading the first day of the week-long training camp. Joining the camp also means that we had to stay back on the first week of the semester break. It wasn't all that unbearable until everybody else started packing and the hostel block is deserted. Yeah I guess you could call it homesick. I had a mind to call up Air Asia to move my flight earlier and put all things behind me and head straight home and just be comfortable with myself. But I didn't.

Turned out pretty well I must say. Basically what we do for the whole week is to raise funds for our upcoming concert and also get to know each other a lil' better. for the Marketing Operation (MO) part, we were divided into teams and each team was assigned an area to go and get money. Sometimes we get a scolding from angry store owners and some even used sarcasm, but to me, all these were better than being downright ignored. Yes we were ignored sometimes. I gotta thank my partners for the different MOs because they had to do much more work as I needed more time to get the hang of begging for money. But during the final day, I surprised even myself. I don't think I have spoken so many sentences in a whole month before. I am glad to be of some help to my partner. Maybe part of the reason was that she was a banana, so me + funny and gets english jokes person = 素晴らしい So thank to her and her inappropriate and 'sounds so wrong' comments which she innocently blurts out every so often. She is innocent, I think.

New Tune has really been  great place to know yourself and to challenge your own limits, all in the safe bubble that everyone makes mistakes. It all would've ended well save for the part in which I accidentally took off a small piece of the new coating of paint in the band room. I am truly sorry for that but I also see no point in making it that big of a deal.

It has really been a long time since I last slowed down to take a double-take of my life and recording it down. My own personal diary must've felt oh-so-lonely these days. I hope he overcomes the loneliness and emerge as strong as Naruto. Speaking of which, I am watching the Naruto movie tonight!! I know it sound crazy and improbable for me to spend my money on watching anime in a cinema, but I'm doing it because all things should be done properly, including revisiting your childhood.

So let's hope I'll have better stuff to blog about the next time. I should list that down as my new year's resolution - to blog about better stuff / to have better stuff to blog about. And perhaps also blog more frequently. Maybe even to find time to meet up with friends, even those back from overseas ;)


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