Scars and Bruises


Not all battles are fought while making a clarion call.
Not all hurdles are overcome with a smile.
Not all contest of strengths are done under the attention of spectators.

Our past hurts might not be easily and readily shared with just about anyone.
Coincidence, circumstance, and often the right people are needed for us to be open.
Interestingly enough, we often do not know who the right people are until we actually meet them and opportunity presents itself to us at that exact moment.

In the age of social media, where posts are mostly along the lines of "my life is wonderful!", there is a tendency for us to keep our negative emotions to ourselves.
Opening up is often scary, especially if we have been hurt when we are at our most vulnerable.
But every mistake we make can always be taken as a lesson.
And if you live long enough to meet the right person, how wonderful would that be?

Bruises heal in no time;
Wounds might leave you with scars.
Scars may last for a lifetime,
But friendships are as enduring as stars.

Happy New Year!

 悲しい時は 「悲しい!」、痛い時は 「痛い!」と 言わないと ダメです。
そうじゃないと、心が 潰れて しまいます。
「新堂 湊 《グッド・ドクター》E04」


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