
Showing posts from March, 2013


感觉好像 每一次 我连续几天没上来看看的话,我的博客朋友们都纷纷更新,而 一 更新就是几个博文一起的~ 囧 也好啦 ,就好比读漫画连载,就算到了高潮部分也不会被 “下期待续”干扰。要读就读个爽快~ 世界被按了快进键,一下子就了解来龙去脉,但偶尔也会错过被删掉的博文。 部落格是一个很妙很妙的玩意儿。性格内向的我 从前打死我都不会想要去写博文。 心理日记嘛 ,我曾这样想, 就 应该像日记一样,神秘的,私人的,别人不可能看见的。 而至今写了将近四年的我,越来越喜欢写博文了。部落 格,对我来说,是我 曾经存在过的证明 。写下来的感触、想法,自己一定要负责 任。谢部落格带领我找寻自我、帮助我成长 、更让我能坦诚地面对 我自己 。 这之后还有种种的话 向要说,但还是留到下次吧~ 我是谁 这三个字的简单疑问句,每个人在人生的不同的阶段, 都一定会至少问自己一次y。这简单的疑问,有着上千百种的答案。答案没有对错,也没有人能够评对错。毕竟 每 个人 都按照 着自己独特的方程式前进。也只有前进,是唯一的方向。 这么多年以来, 身 为学生的我 只懂得如何考好成绩,做老师们 眼中的好学生。成绩与好 学生以外的东西都显得不重要,一心一意地追着成绩跑。 就这样跑着跑着,蓦然回首,才发现一直以来我过得好空虚、好寂寞。人生苦短,世界广大,难道我真的就这样终结我的一生?配合世界里根深蒂固的旋律,在努力、成绩、努力、成绩、无止尽地献上一切,无止尽地旋转、旋转。 不,世界那么大,要我活在那小小的圈子里头,未免太可怜了吧。世界上还有各种各样的文化、美观,有形形色色的人,我要一个个去看透,也个个去认识个够。我要去了解自身以外叫做“有缘人”的存在,名为“性格”的古怪,化身为“朋友”的依赖。 偶然在昨天早上听见MY FM 的主持人忆起当年考SPM的情景。主持人说有个很用功的同学,成天就是在刨书,跟其他的同学也鲜少来往,有也是很机械化地寒暄几句。日子久了,不会与别人 沟通 的这位同学,越来越少人靠近他了。最后,他考得好成绩 - 10A。他的的确确是个成功的学生。 而另外一位同学呢,成绩没有特别优异,但就是很活跃于课外活动。也许是这份活跃造就他外向的个性。一有时间,他都会和其他同学混在一起,就谈些有的没的。也是他这种“社交花”的设定,让他培养出一份同龄之间无法解释的魅力。就是所...

Got My Results

Finally knew my results today.. Surely beats having someone tell  you your own results any time.. Its wasn't the exact results that I would've hoped for, but then I guess I reaped what I sowed.. I think everyone is resitting a subject or two, so why not follow suit? :) There was a wave of emotions sweeping over the three classes yesterday after everyone got wind about their own results. Me? I had my results shouted at me. Some respect people? When I say I do not want to know my results, it means that I do not want to know my results, not before I finish my exams. And I certainly do not  need a person yelling so that the whole class would know how I fared. Honestly, I would've felt despaired at my own results, but then seeing all those red-eyed and wet cheeks of people around me, it really put things into perspective. To those feeling depressed, please don't. Life is beautiful and far more meaningful than four alphabets and three significant figures. Just keep movi...


我怀念的 是以前平凡又不平凡的生活 简简单单 真正地活在当下的那种感觉 和朋友们 同甘共苦 互相扶持 就疯狂地 活着 啊 不行不行不行 我又要开始陷入思念模式了 明天就考试了 拜四就要看战绩了(打算拜五再看) BFF们 我有在努力地成长哦 不知道你们过得怎样 有改变吗 而改变 是好还是坏呢 在此再次献上对你们的真诚祝福 頑張ってください俺の友達 也许怀念你们也是种好事吧 证明我珍惜我们那段回忆 :)

New Pope! New Pope!

Following the rather unexpected resignation of Pope Benedict XVI (and the puff of white smoke), the Roman Catholic Church now has a new pope to lead her into more and more challenges posed by time and increasingly secular communities. May the Lord guide him, Pope Francis I (named after St. Francis of Assisi), 266th successor of the chair of St. Peter, pastor of the Church. Here's a brief background on Pope Francis quoted from The Divine Mercy (a facebook page).. CARDINAL JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO - POPE FRANCIS Here is a biography of the new Bishop of Rome and our new pope! Pope Francis Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J., Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Ordinary for Eastern-rite faithful in Argentina who lack an Ordinary of their own rite. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on 17 December 1936 in Buenos Aires. He was ordained for the Jesuits on 13 December 1969 during his theological studies at the Theological Faculty of San Miguel. He was novice master in S...

The Loss of a Father

I don't mean to make an emo post on the anniversary of my friend/fellow blogger's birth, Iiyee especially since it clashed with Iiyee's lunar birthday, but when emotions come, it calls for an emo post. Again, sorry Iiyee, & happy birthday nonetheless. :) So here I am, immersed in a routine of reluctantly trying to conform myself into a whole new culture which I am really not used to & surrounded by a bunch of people (not you readers & stalkers rest assured) that I do not like! I am still desperately trying to 'blend in' , so to speak into the status quo, but it turns out, as with most of my life, I'm mostly, if not always the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. While I'm preoccupied with my efforts in doing good and filling my ego with pride and honour, in this huge place filled with thousands of people, a little boy, named Andy I think (I could not remember) from 2D have to deal with the loss of a dear father, a pillar of str...

It Arrived!!!

In case you're wondering, this is IT- It's a FREE DVD from RBC Ministries.. It's Christian alright, & so far I find that their resources are quite okay. Heck, I even liked some of them too~ Anyway, this four part series is going to take viewers on an unforgettable journey through the Gospel of Luke~ It's a really great way to take on my journey of faith through this Year of Faith.. Anyone interested, I'm willing to lend it out~ :D Here's the flier for the DVD~ Hope all my Catholic friends out there are taking firm steps to rediscover their faith~ Till the next time~

Some things never change

Status: Enjoying a tin of 100 Plus after a jog at the park while blogging out of boredom. FREEDOM~!!! Coincidentally, that's the first word for the title of my blog xD I just feel like screaming this word every time I finish a test or exam of any sort, since I never have to be bothered with it ever again! For those who don't know, we (my classmates and I) have officially finished sitting for our MUET exam today. Yeah we're taking the March session. As of today, we need not be seeing our MUET teachers ever again!!! YAY!!! Nah, just kidding lah~ I'm not that mean okay? We still have to see her during English Language Society meetings. Plus, I'll still have to see her tonnes for organising the singing competition. ( why did I get myself involved!? ) At least I can still relish at the fact that I can now relax (for a while) and laugh at my friends taking the June/July sessions. HAHAHA! XD About the jog, it was a rather random notion that Ms. Iiyee and I started si...


I know this is long overdue for like.. 3 months? I remember wanting to do this early on (2nd day of his leaving) but somehow got caught up with hectic school life.. Well, a dedicated post to someone special is never too late to be posted, right? I'm sure he's enjoying life in Aussie. I'm trying to have the time of my life myself but still find it quite far from my grasp. Enough of me, I'll just keep on typing about this special person called TK. :) He's quite a unique individual. To be honest, I've never met someone anyone quite like him in my 18 years of living experience. He does seem a bit cocky and hard to approach at first with his hostile comments to people he just met, but once you get to know him, I have only one word for it - FUN! In many ways, I would say that we're alike. He shows little interest in sports, is an extreme (and sometimes aggressive) anime fan, he actually BLOGS! (I'm saying this because not many guys I know even know what a...

Rat Alert!

It seemed just yesterday, (and it really was yesterday) that a bunch of bio lovers in our school actually dissected live rats! Yes, it's not a typo, they're LIVE! At least, up to the part where we cut open their membranes they were..  Three of them even persevered until we cut their windpipes. The three lucky people got to see a pumping heart and I got to touch them while they're beating! Okay, the reason we dissect those poor rats is not because we enjoy torturing them to death (they were anaesthetised prior dissection) but we were studying the cardiovascular, digestive and urogenital system of a mammal, their structures anyway.. I do feel pity for the rats, but we treated them with the utmost dignity, and we respected their sacrifices.. Just to state the obvious I am an animal lover too. It was my first time ever dissecting an animal, dissecting anything for that matter. Kids here get to dissect frogs and build fun DNA structures before leaving school while my forme...