It Only Takes A Spark
And so a hearty congratulations to Mr. Philosopher who officially joined the ranks of bloggers who had nothing else to do but blog crap on their blogs instead of using free websites to earn some cash. That's one way of putting it. Another way would be to say: "IT'S ABOUT TIME!!" xD After months yes, months of persuasion and persistent pressing, you finally made your blog. Well, you know what they say, better a late blog than never. ;) This is one of many other posts where I thank a bunch of my friends which I am totally not worthy to having them around, yet somehow, they still stuck by me, no matter how horrible a person I am. A big thanks once again to Miss Lust for helping me download those movies that I crave to watch but couldn't since I cannot bear the guilt of wasting those 2 hours or so when I should be studying. Maybe I should point out that I didn't even ask her to download them, which makes it all the more sweeter. Aww.. I only mentioned that ...